Sunday, 20 March 2011

charlie sheen wall street 2 character and winning reminded me of his film

charlie sheen with his recent winning catchphrase reminded me of his film character in wall street quite a bit, or at the least reminded me to check out the old wall street movie and the new wall street 2 movie called money never sleeps.

i think these 2 films are a good watch for anyone interested in making money, but i do not think they are a how to make money film, as some people mistake and believe.

if you went out in life to try and make money by emulating charlie sheen as bud fox and micheal douglas as gordon gecko, you would not make any money, maybe you would if you had unreal luck like they had in the movie, but then the movie was not real life so you would be looking for the impossible to happen if you tried to emulate these characters, you would not be winning but instead losing.

maybe charlie sheen can be winning all the time by some strange fluke of the universe, but for the average guy or person without his luck you would more then not be losing.

then does not mean you have to be losing in life, it means you have to take a more measured and calculated approach to life and especially money.

don't look to make it big quick or you will fail, look to take the long term plans, build up slowly and minimise your risks, you can't make money if you get wiped out at the start, be realistic with your goals.

unlike gordon gecko trying to make a billion a year, your goals should be to try and save a few thoushand a year, save being the operative word, you can't make money if it is not saved or safe.

so always aim to have a good nest egg of saved money and try to avoid risk then you can be winning in your own way.


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